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Meet Wahiawa's Shin Buddhist Team

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Venus Oshiro & Carolyn Unchiyama

Temple Co-Presidents for

Wahiawa Hongwanji Mission


Ms. Venus Oshiro represents the new generation of our temple with years of experience as an entrepreneur.  

Ms. Carolyn Uchiyama has served as Vice President for many years, is a retired educator and represents Wahiawa Hongwanji in many statewide endeavors.



Rev. Kojun Hashimoto

Religious Leader for

Wahiawa Hongwanji Mission


Sensei Hashimoto has been a Jodo Shinshu minister in Hawaii since May, 2003 and worked in Kagoshima Betsuin, Japan, for six years before coming to Hawaii. He has been our temple Sensei since June, 2012...

Dale Shimaura

Vice President, Membership & Outreach for Wahiawa Hongwanji Mission


Ms. Shimaura is the heart of our temple. If she is not planning for our next service, she is welcoming someone to our temple or helping a temple member. .

Board of Directors


Venus Oshiro

Carolyn Uchiyama


Past President

Rod Moriyama


Vice President

Dale Shimaura 



Jan Fukada

Joy Okimoto



Gaylen Yonamine


Legal Advisor

Marcus Oshiro




Norman Fujioka

Brian Fukuhara

Lillian Lee

Denise Okouchi

Marcus Oshiro​


Trustees Emeriti


Glenn Hamamura

Arlene Ogata

Calvin Takeshita

Neal Tomita

Jack Tsujihara




The Wahiawa Hongwanji Mission's Leadership Team stand ready to listen!  Please feel free to reach out to them with any questions or thoughts you may have.  You can reach them by calling 808.622.4320, dropping by the office or emailing.

Wahiawa Hongwanji Mission

A Grateful Shin Buddhist Community




1067 California Avenue

Wahiawa, HI 96786

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@2020 by Wahiawa Hongwanji Mission

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